Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day 9 plus
I know it's a few days behind but I have finally got a little time to get these shots up. The last day was bitter-sweet. Great day snorkeling at Kapalua but knowing the whole time it was the last snorkel for a while. I decided not to go to Honolua since we had some showers the day before and it turned out to be lucky for us I think. My wife was looking at the bays flying out and said that all the west side bays looked clear but Honolua looked pretty murky. 

The first set may not be the best pics but it is shots that struck me as odd. For some reason I had a high number of fish face me head on which doesn't happen often. They tend to turn away ready to bolt if needed. I'd like to think they sensed I was bummed and were saying A hui hou (Until we meet again) to me. I have always loved animals and am a firm believer that they posses abilities that we can only dream of or have lost in evolution. 

I think I mentioned early on in the blog that I had left a step down ring to my new lens at home. Last night when we got home I couldn't find it. Then as I was unpacking I ran into a small bag of accessories from my strobe I didn't use since there was great sunlight, there was my ring. I had it the whole time. :-(

Male Spotted Boxfish 

Gosline's Fangblenny

Juvenile Unicornfish

Longnose Butterflyfish

Hawaiian Gregory

Convict Tang  

On with the rest of the finny friends from the last day.

Arceye Hawkfish 

Flying Gurnard

Pearly Soldierfish. This was as close as I could get to them. They are extremely skiddish. 

Orangebar Surgeonfish

Hawaiian Dascyllus

Yellowfin Goatfish

Palenose Parrotfish 

Stareye Parrotfish

Shortnosed Wrasse 

Yellowstripe Goatfish

Gosline's Fangblenny

Manybar Goatfish

Juvenile Bird Wrasse 

Convict Tang

White-spotted Sea Cucumber

A beautiful young Honu who came up for a quick breath then headed back down to it's hiding spot. 

I thought I would also post some more shots from my wife. Even using the older camera without the nicer lens she still got a ton of great pics. She has gotten a lot better at diving also for her shots. She had the eagle eyes this trip also finding all but one of the octopus we saw and many of the new varieties we saw this trip. 

Pair of Hawaiian Cleaner wrasse 

This is a pair of Sidespot Goatfish. We saw several of these at Honlua and I didn't get any shots of them because I thought they were juvenile Manybar Goatfish. Glad she got some good shots of them in my moment of brain fade.

Here is a couple of the Tako's (octopus) she spotted. 

Hermit Crab  

One of the big schools of Yellow Tangs we spotted.

Yet another Tako she found. 

She loves her Honu. You saw her new suitcase in the first post of this trip so I guess that's pretty obvious. :-)

Cigar Wrasse

Female Christmas Wrasse

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